Nursing RN to BSN Degree Completion

The Nursing RN to BSN degree completion program at South University is designed for registered nurses who hold an associate’s degree from a regionally accredited institution or who are diploma graduates of a school of nursing accredited by the National League of Nursing (NLNAC).

The RN to BSN degree completion program is structured in a way that allows students to pursue their studies without having to put their career or life on hold. Our accelerated course schedule combines campus and online classes and can help RNs achieve their goal of a BSN in an efficient manner.

Receive credit for your RN experience

  • RNs may receive up to 45 credit hours for their nursing experience.
  • Financial aid is available for those who qualify.

Earn a BSN degree in as little as 18 months with accelerated courses

  • Qualified applicants can earn a BSN degree in 1 ½ years.
  • Accelerated 5 ½ week courses.
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